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National Institute of Business Management

The National Institute of Business Management with legacy over 51 years of service in the business of higher education is focusing on resilience the professional practice gap in the fields of Management, Information Technology, Engineering, Design and Languages.

Throughout this journey they have enriched thousands of students by ensuring better career opportunities in both local and foreign job markets. Concurrent innovations, developments and efforts coupled with experienced professionals lead NIBM to differentiate itself from other higher education service providers.

Need for automatic vehicle identification

Daily hundreds of employees enter the university complex NIBM in Colombo, the largest city in Sri Lanka. They mostly enter the site around the same times, causing delays at the barrier. To ensure rapid passage of vehicles and to guarantee the safety of the university complex, the NIBM was looking for a future-proof technology to automate the entry and exit process of vehicles. It was important for NIBM that only authorized vehicles can enter the university complex.

Automating vehicle access control

Nedap and Cenmetrix PvT Ltd joined forces to enable an automatic vehicle access control system for the university complex. The long-range UHF readers, called uPASS Target, from Nedap were selected in combination with Nedap’s Windhields Tags. The advantage of Nedap’s uPASS Target is that it identifies vehicles from up to 10 meters distance. By providing vehicles with a Windhields Tag, vehicles can be identified from a long distance when approaching a barrier. The barrier arm automatically opens allowing the vehicle to enter or exit the university complex. This ensures that only authorized vehicles will be allowed in, increasing the security of the premises.

Cenmetrix PvT Ltd is the system integrator specializing in IT hardware & software development solutions and successfully implemented Nedap’s technology.

“We’re happy that we were able to meet NIBM’s expectation of a vehicle access control system. We were able to successfully complete this project with the use of Nedap’s uPASS Target and tags and confident that this will guarantee convenience and security with the automation.” Vipula Chaminda, General Manager-Operations at Cenmetrix Pvt Ltd


Frictionless and safe vehicle access

By choosing Nedap’s vehicle access control system, NIBM has been able to meet all of its security and integration requirements. No more manual actions, but a fully automated access control system. Long queues and difficult vehicle traffic are now a thing of the past. This solution provides secure and frictionless vehicle access for staff at NIBM.

“Through our partner Cenmetrix PvT Ltd, we had provided a handsfree access solution to resolve the delays in the access control every morning in the University. Our partner was glad that Nedap through its reliable uPASS readers is able to provide this solution to help the school in clearing the daily choke.” Marc Chia, Business Development Manager at Nedap Identification Systems

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